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About the Design

A design inspirered on my childhood: with camping, motorcylces, sidecars and a dad that was always

tinkering around with his harley-davidson.

This contest theme i had to join. I grew up with motorcycles and motorcycle vacations. As a kid i was sitting next to my sister in a sidecar when we went camping in France. And i passed on this family-tradition :) So now a days my kids are having fun in a sidecar too. And ofcourse we also go camping! Everything is packed in and on our motorbikes: toys, cooking stuff, sleepingbags, chairs, music instruments and more... It's always a challence to get all our stuff on the bikes :) But when we succeed and drive away we're feeling so happy and free!

tinkering around with his harley-davidson.

This contest theme i had to join. I grew up with motorcycles and motorcycle vacations. As a kid i was sitting next to my sister in a sidecar when we went camping in France. And i passed on this family-tradition :) So now a days my kids are having fun in a sidecar too. And ofcourse we also go camping! Everything is packed in and on our motorbikes: toys, cooking stuff, sleepingbags, chairs, music instruments and more... It's always a challence to get all our stuff on the bikes :) But when we succeed and drive away we're feeling so happy and free!

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