All Products forIntense Pumpkin Orange Solid - hex ea7200



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About the Design

I would give this intense orange a light/dark value code of 9. It is a pure orange, especially

useful in October and November.

This color is a light value orange. I would give this color a (light/dark) value of 9 on a 1-10 value scale. This does not mean that it is a tint (diluted with white) but rather that it is lightly "saturated." If interested in learning more about this sort of descriptor, check out articles about the Munsell color system. I would give it a chroma code of 10, which means that it is a pure color, i.e. has not been mixed with gray, white or black. Per In an RGB color space this color would be described as 234 (red), 114 (green), 0 (blue). You will also find descriptions from the point of view of other color spaces on the above site as well as illustrations of its shades, tints, and tones. There are also suggestions for various color schemes.

useful in October and November.

This color is a light value orange. I would give this color a (light/dark) value of 9 on a 1-10 value scale. This does not mean that it is a tint (diluted with white) but rather that it is lightly "saturated." If interested in learning more about this sort of descriptor, check out articles about the Munsell color system. I would give it a chroma code of 10, which means that it is a pure color, i.e. has not been mixed with gray, white or black. Per In an RGB color space this color would be described as 234 (red), 114 (green), 0 (blue). You will also find descriptions from the point of view of other color spaces on the above site as well as illustrations of its shades, tints, and tones. There are also suggestions for various color schemes.

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