All Products forMath in color



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About the Design

Colored hexagons with symbols of mathematics, numbers, lettering, icons and measurements.

Colored hexagons contain the symbols and icons of mathematics: primary and binary numbers, the tangram, the globe with the hours, polyhedra, geometric figures, calculations, formulas, the hourglass, the goniometer, an abacus, the DNA, solid figures, the P greek, percentages, a thermometer, and even a paper boat and a spider web! All this is math!

Colored hexagons contain the symbols and icons of mathematics: primary and binary numbers, the tangram, the globe with the hours, polyhedra, geometric figures, calculations, formulas, the hourglass, the goniometer, an abacus, the DNA, solid figures, the P greek, percentages, a thermometer, and even a paper boat and a spider web! All this is math!

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