All Products forCaninesOnTheCircleLine



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About the Design

Tongues hanging out, ears flapping in the breeze. Dogs love to go for a ride on the light rail.

A black lab, golden retriever, dachshund, husky and scottie all boarded the train for a ride and every good dog knows you have to hang out of the window. Created for a design challenge featuring circles as a main design element, the windows and dogs' eyes, noses and tags are all circles and the arrows are filled with a pattern of circles. Scale: Circle windows are 2.5 inches.

A black lab, golden retriever, dachshund, husky and scottie all boarded the train for a ride and every good dog knows you have to hang out of the window. Created for a design challenge featuring circles as a main design element, the windows and dogs' eyes, noses and tags are all circles and the arrows are filled with a pattern of circles. Scale: Circle windows are 2.5 inches.

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