All Products forRetro Cats Pattern, Funky Sportswear Past Time, Bat Ball Game, Comic Book Cats Meow, Tennis Mom Loves Cats, Crazy Cat Lady, Cat in Pink Girls Dress, Retro Tennis Pattern on Pink Background Texture



Kitchen & Dining


Living & Decor


About the Design

My kitsch and colorful cats on the court! These whimsical felines, sporting vintage tennis dresses,

serve up a quirky blend of fun and style!

Imagine as a striking feature wall or wallpaper Design or picture plush throws and throw pillows bursting new life into your sofas and chairs or have you considered new table decor? I can imagine drawing back the curtains or even snuggled under a duvet adorned with this design! Or...unleash the magic of beautiful fabrics and let me take you on a whimsical fashion journey. Sew it into a dress to go wow, a unique shirt to be admired, or even a pair of playfully patterned pants to brighten spirits and get you noticed wherever you go. And for all the dreamers and makers like me, let this design be the center piece of your next home sewing project for unique cushion covers, elegant table runners, Gift and PE sports bags for the kids or even one-of-a-kind wall hangings that can bring boundless and unique creativity to every corner of your home. Let's make something beautiful together!

serve up a quirky blend of fun and style!

Imagine as a striking feature wall or wallpaper Design or picture plush throws and throw pillows bursting new life into your sofas and chairs or have you considered new table decor? I can imagine drawing back the curtains or even snuggled under a duvet adorned with this design! Or...unleash the magic of beautiful fabrics and let me take you on a whimsical fashion journey. Sew it into a dress to go wow, a unique shirt to be admired, or even a pair of playfully patterned pants to brighten spirits and get you noticed wherever you go. And for all the dreamers and makers like me, let this design be the center piece of your next home sewing project for unique cushion covers, elegant table runners, Gift and PE sports bags for the kids or even one-of-a-kind wall hangings that can bring boundless and unique creativity to every corner of your home. Let's make something beautiful together!

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