this lily is part of a collection of greens of arum lilies which are very structured stunning with the white tubular flowers against a backdrop of gorgeous multiple green leaves. Fitting fabric for any jungle or soothing need. Drawn from life on my iPad.
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Everyday-use cotton for quilting, crafts and apparel
- Estimated shrinkage: 5-6% in length and 2-3% in width
- Perfect for quilting, craft projects, costuming, toys and accessories.
Spoonflower products are made-to-order, meaning we don’t have a warehouse of ready-to-ship items. This enables us to offer a huge library of designs by independent designers, available on over 50 different products. And we back every purchase up with our Happiness Guarantee. Visit our help page for information on returns and exchanges.
Arum lilies of Africa grow in damp places. Their soft white petals of tubular shape are delightful
My greatest work and joy is being a mum to my six children. Now all grown up. I design expressing life as I see it. Joyous and sad. Holding both in beauty. I'm happy to facilitate any design change needed.
Shop sallyscribblingAt Spoonflower, we bring creativity to life with premium wallpaper, fabric and home decor printed on demand. Our designs, crafted by independent artists from around the globe, offer unmatched variety and quality.
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