garlic, plantains, corn or coffee? Here is the solution!
This collection is suitable if you are an: - interior designer or feels like one who does home decor for themselves or their customers and enjoys working with coordinating patterns to meet specific colors, styles, & sensibility. -homeowners (airb&b) or boutique hotels who follow lifestyle design and want to create unique spaces to increase online likeability and revenue. -fashion designers, cut & sew, or quilters who appreciate a well-rounded collection by color, aesthetics, and lifestyle to satisfy market trends and demands. -event planner who is looking to create projects that can be provocative colorful, and well-coordinated to bring the attention of the guests to a thematic space. -gifter who is looking for something unique. You can choose your patterns and coordinates in minutes. Shop_Mezcla collection: The Cabana22 collection embraces the Caribbean flavors and the beauty of our tropical environments. Cabana22 reflects and brings to you our tropical vegetation, jungles, oceans, Spanish influence & heritage, and the lost symbols, constantly reminding us of our home and who we are. Cabana22 is inspired by the Caribbean lifestyle and Puerto Rico's beauty, art, history, and folklore. ++If you are working on a specific project, need a particular color to match or need to have a custom design done, please drop me a line. ++I am a textile designer/surface designer specializing in apparel, paper, and home furnishings.