2 scales and various colors in the collection. Mu
The collection offers the main colour options of this texture style and also includes plaster drywall textured coordinates to use alongside any of the main stone options. You'd think the obvious use is home decor, walls, curtains etc but this is also a great design when used for apparel, table linen etc - it's amazingly versatile. Stone walls and flooring is seen in many countries especially in the green areas. The UK is famous for its country farm walls as is France, Italy and much of Europe... but worldwide it has become an almost decorative and lovely edging to many farmlands. Used also in house building, roads and more. The stone graphic slant makes it different to many on the market and more characterful. Using natural coloring, the collection offers a nice choice and worth checking out. 2 scales available (this one is large, also avail in small) --------------------------- Tags: natural nature slate flagstones stones dry stone drystone floor wall cobbles sandstone faux stones stone wall, a textured fabric suitable for apparel, clothing, trousers, table linen, curtains, cushions. duvet, bedding, wallpaper