stripe. Use it for home decor, clothing & crafts.
Russian Violet and English Violet are similar colors. Both are edging towards black but Russian Violet is a tone that has a bit more blue than red in the mix. I love my oxalis plants with their delicate flowers. This design was derived from a photo of my purple oxalis, with triangular leaves, and tiny pink flowers. The design, was derived through digital manipulations in Adobe PhotoShop. When I look at it, I am reminded of a song my mother once taught me: White coral bells, upon a slender stalk . . . lilies of the valley by my garden walk. Oh don't you wish that you could hear them ring. That will happen only when the fairies sing. You will find a larger size of the design in the full collection as well as additional colorways. This size is great for a striped blouse, dress or small home decor items. Original Copyright - Mary Beglau Wykes - October 1, 2017 Updated Copyright - Mary Beglau Wykes - March 22, 2023