painting of an abstract bird.
For wallpaper - please look at "design view" to see how this will print. You will find several sizes of this design in the full collection. You will find both basic and half drop views. If you prefer a different size, please send me a private message. The painting "Morning Has Broken" was derived from one of my meditative drawings. I find meditative drawing to be an amazing way to stimulate creativity. As I worked, I thought of a nice relaxing morning, drinking coffee on the porch while I enjoyed the chirping of the birds. Being delighted with the small, black and white tile, I decided to enlarge the design and add zingy color. The painting was actually chosen for an international juried show sponsored by the Fort Worth Society of Watercolor Artists and won an Honorable Mention. You may view the original painting here: As you look closely at this design you will find more and more intricate details: Mama bird bringing worms to her nestlings, eggs in the nest, and coffee cups scattered throughout. Of course being abstract, you may interpret the design in an entirely different way! I'd love to hear about your reaction. Bright, zingy colors of a morning sunrise really make this design: orange, yellow, lime green, purple and blue. A throw blanket or a pillow would really brighten up a room! Complete the 1 yard Fill-a-Yard template with this design to easily make a baby quilt! copyright - Mary Beglau Wykes - April 1, 2016