'(LARGE) AW Cockies revisited 2021 by Su_G_©SuSchaefer' (https://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/8794733): continuing to transform Sulphur Crested Cockatoos; from an original photograph, after Andy Warhol. © Su Schaefer 2021 Smaller version: 'AW Cockies revisited 2021 by Su_G' (https://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/10200119). Also as a calendar tea towel: '2022 is Cockies, a tea towel calendar by Su_G' (https://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/7976668). 'Cockie cute' (https://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/858544) is the original on which these transformations are based. See all my Andy Warhol inspired cockatoo designs. (https://spoonflower.com/profiles/su_g?shop_selection=tag&tag=cockatoo_selection=tag&tag=Andy+Warhol) See other designs by Su_G. (https://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/su_g) Series of transformations of an original photograph by Chris Schaefer, revisited + extended; basic repeat. [Currently set @ Fabric: 150 ppi - optimized for yards of 54" wide fabric (e.g. Celosia Velvet, Linen Cotton-Canvas), Wallpaper: 150 ppi; - can be resized - Spoonmail me or comment before ordering to have this design resized or centered in a different width] [ Filename: 4AW_Cockies_revisited_by Su_G_©SuSchaefer2021 ]

All Products for(LARGE) AW Cockies revisited 2021 by Su_G_©SuSchaefer
'(LARGE) AW Cockies revisited 2021 by Su_G_©SuSchaefer' (https://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/8794733): continuing to transform Sulphur Crested Cockatoos; from an original photograph, after Andy Warhol. © Su Schaefer 2021 Smaller version: 'AW Cockies revisited 2021 by Su_G' (https://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/10200119). Also as a calendar tea towel: '2022 is Cockies, a tea towel calendar by Su_G' (https://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/7976668). 'Cockie cute' (https://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/858544) is the original on which these transformations are based. See all my Andy Warhol inspired cockatoo designs. (https://spoonflower.com/profiles/su_g?shop_selection=tag&tag=cockatoo_selection=tag&tag=Andy+Warhol) See other designs by Su_G. (https://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/su_g) Series of transformations of an original photograph by Chris Schaefer, revisited + extended; basic repeat. [Currently set @ Fabric: 150 ppi - optimized for yards of 54" wide fabric (e.g. Celosia Velvet, Linen Cotton-Canvas), Wallpaper: 150 ppi; - can be resized - Spoonmail me or comment before ordering to have this design resized or centered in a different width] [ Filename: 4AW_Cockies_revisited_by Su_G_©SuSchaefer2021 ]