The crime: Two birds dead. The weapon: One stone. The Medics are in transit, the Police are in pursuit and the Coroner's Office is on the scene. Whodunnit?!? There seem to be a number of guilty-looking parties in attendance, but nobody's fessing up. We may not know who did it, but there are fingerprints* all over this place. Nobody will rest until this case is solved! *original SK fingerprints. :)
Wallpaper you might like
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Wallpaper Details
Subtle linen textured, DIY-friendly self-adhesive, removable and cleanable wallcovering for smooth, flat, non-textured surfaces
- Subtle woven texture with peel and stick backing
- Removable and washable with mild soap and water
- Great for upgrading rooms, temporary spaces, bookcases and an array of craft projects
- 28.2 in vertical repeat of the design
- 24 in wide
- Available in panel lengths of 1 foot, 3, 6, 9 or 12 feet
- Self adhesive, removable and repositionable
- Installation Instructions
- Matte finish
- Eco-friendly inks, formaldehyde-, phthalate-, and PVC-free
- Country of Origin: USA
- Surface type, primers and paints will affect adhesion and removabilty of this wallpaper.
- Washable paints and no-VOC paints prevent full adhesion.
- For smooth, flat, non-textured surfaces.
- Dimensions:
- Installation:
- Details:
- Note:
Spoonflower products are made-to-order, meaning we don’t have a warehouse of ready-to-ship items. This enables us to offer a huge library of designs by independent designers, available on over 50 different products. And we back every purchase up with our Happiness Guarantee. Visit our help page for information on returns and exchanges.
Artist, illustrator, graphic & textile designer, art (and trouble) maker of all things Samarra Khaja | SammyK. All work copyright of ©Samarra Khaja. Follow along on IG @samarrakhaja.
Shop sammykAt Spoonflower, we bring creativity to life with premium wallpaper, fabric and home decor printed on demand. Our designs, crafted by independent artists from around the globe, offer unmatched variety and quality.
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