computer hex number are included for each swatch
This is one of two color charts, each covering half of the color wheel. This is the cool colors: greens, blues and purples, plus yellow. The other is the warm half yellows, yellow greens, oranges and reds. A color's hue is what place it has on the color wheel. We give colors names by their hue: red, reddish yellow, green. A color's value is how light a dark a version of that hue it is. A color's brightness is how gray or intense it is. This is one of two charts that has hues every ten degrees all around the color wheel. Each hue is in a chart that shows 9 values and a full range of brightness. It also includes the Munsell and hexidecimal names for each color on the chart, so that you can find that color in computer color pickers or in paints and dyes.